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Creating Cleaner, healthier places to live...
Creating Cleaner, healthier places to live...


Clean & Maintain: LBC Maintenance Package

Find out more about our Exclusive Maintenance Package at LBC Exterior Cleaning. 

The definition of maintenance is to preserve a condition. At LBC We truly believe that an initial clean should only be the start. Once you have your surface looking great from a deep clean, whether that be your roof, driveway or patio. How about keeping it that way?. 

What if i told you that maintaining your surface would not only be better aestetically. But it would also be better for the longevity of your surface.

This is because when a surface is preserved at a high level and not left to deteriote soo much, it can be maintained using softer methods of cleaning that over a long time cause less damage when compared to cleaning methods required to remove high levels of organic growth that build up when surfaces are left with no maintenance.

 Choose a yearly or monthly subscription for consistent cleanliness and savings in the long run.

 Invest in our Maintenance Package and maintain a clean, welcoming property year-round. Contact us today to learn more about our exclusive package and its benefits for your property. Or use our free pricing calculator below for your bespoke quote.

Benefits of Our Maintenance Package:

Your Bespoke Maintenance Offer

(Available Up To 14 Days After Initial Job Completion)

How to Save Up to 50% With Consistent Cleanliness?

From your invoice Enter Below the total price (Without VAT) of the Areas you would like maintained.

For Example...

You’ve done the following recently…

Roof Clean (£1,500)
Drive Clean (£500)
Patio Clean (£400)

If you wanted to Maintain the Roof & Patio Only, enter “1900” which is the sum of 1500 + 400

Our Maintenance Package Calculator


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